21 cm Linie | 21 cm line
47 Tucanae | 47 Tucanae
61 Cygni | 61 Cygni
Abellkatalog | Abell Catalogue
Abendstern | evening star
Aberration | aberration
Ablation | ablation
Absolute Helligkeit | absolute magnitude
Absolute Leuchtkraft | absolute luminosity
Absoluter Nullpunkt | absolute zero
Absorption | absorption
Absorptionskoeffizient | absorption coefficient
Absorptionslinie | absorption line
Absorptionslinienspektrum | absorption line spectrum
Absorptionsnebel | absorption nebula
Absorptionsspektrum | absorption spectrum
Abstract | abstract
Achernar | Achernar
Achilles | Achilles
Achondrit | achondrite
Achromat | achromat
Achromatische Linse | achromatic lens
Achse | axis
Acidalia Planitia | Acidalia Planitia
Achronische Beobachtung | acronical observation
Acrux | Acrux
Adaptive Optik | adaptive optics
Adhara | Adhara
Adonis | Adonis
Adrastea | Adrastea
Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility | Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility
Aeronomie | aeronomy
Aerosol | aerosol
Ae Stern | Ae star
Agamemnon | Agamemnon
Ahnighito Meteorit | Ahnighito meteorite
Airglow | airglow
Air Shower | air shower
Airy-Scheibchen | Airy disc
Aitkens Doppelstern Katalog | Aitken Double Star Catalogue, ADS
Akkretion | accretion
Akkretionsscheibe | accretion disc
Aktinometer | actionmeter
Aktive galaktische Kerne | active galactic nuclei
Aktive Galaxien | active galaxies
Aktive Optik | active optics
Aktive Region | active region
Aktive Sonne | active sun
Aktivitätsindex | activity index
Akustische Wellen | acoustic waves
Alauda | Alauda
Albedo | albedo
Albert | Albert
Albireo | albireo
Albireo | Albireo
Alcor | Alcor
Aldebaran | Aldebaran
Alderamin | Alderamin
Alfvénwellen | Alfvén waves
Algenib | Algenib
Algieba | Algieba
Algol | Algol
Algonquin Observatory | Algonquin Observatory
Alidat | alidade
Alinda | Alinda
Alioth | Alioth
Alkaid | Alkaid
Alkyone | Alkyone
Allan Hills | Allan Hills
Allegheny Observatory | Allegheny Observatory
Allende Meteorit | Allende meteorite
All-Sky Camera | all-sky camera
Almagest | Almagest
Almanach | almanac
Almukanter | almucantar
Alnilam | Alnilam
Alnitak | Alnitak
Alpha Centauri | alpha Centauri
Alpha-Teilchen | alpha particle
Alphard | Alphard
Alphazerfall | alpha decay
Alphekka | Alphekka
Alpheratz | Alpheratz
Alphonsinischen Tafeln | Alphonsine Tables
Alphonsus | Alphonsus
Alpental | Alpine Valley
Alpen | Alps
Altair | Altair
Altazimuthale Montierung | altazimuth mounting
Aluminisierung | aluminizing
Amalthea | Amalthea
Amazonis Planitia | Amazonis Planitia
American Astronomical Society | AAS
American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac | American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac
Ames Research Center | Ames Research Center
AM Herculis | AM Herculis
Amor | Amor
Amphitrite | Amphitrite
Amplitude | amplitude
Am-Stern | Am star
Analemma | analemma
Ananke | Ananke
Andromeda | Andromeda
Andromedagalaxie | andromeda galaxy
Andromeiden | Andromedids
Angelina | Angelina
Anglo-Australian Observatory | Anglo-Australian Observatory
Anglo-Australian Telescope | Anglo-Australian Telescope
Ångstrom | Ångstrom
Anisotropie | anisotropy
Anomalistischer Monat | anomalistic month
Anomalistisches Jahr | anomalistic year
Anomalie | anomaly
Anorthosit | anorthosite
Anregung | excitation
Anregungstemperatur | excitation temperature
Ansae | Ansae
Antapex | antapex
Antares | Antares
Antenne | antenna
Antennengalaxie | antennae galaxies
Antennentemperatur | antenna temperature
Anthropisches Prinzip | anthropic principle
Antizyklon | anticyclone
Antimaterie | antimatter
Antinous | Antinous
Antischweif | antitail
Antoniadi-Skala | Antoniadi scale
Apache Point Oberservatory | Apache Point Oberservatory
Apastron | apastron
Apennin | Apennines, Montes Apenninus
Apertur | aperture
Apertursysthese | aperture systhesis
Apex | apex
Aphel | aphelion
Aphrodite Terra | Aphrodite Terra
APM Maschine | APM Machine
Apozentrum | apocenter
Apochromat | apochromat
Apogäum | apogee
Apollo | Apollo
Apollon | Apollon
Apolloprogramm | apollo programme
Apollo-Sojus Projekt | Apollo-Soyuz project
Apollo Lunar Science Experiment Package | Apollo Lunar Science Experiment Package
Apsidendrehung | apsidal motion
Apsiden | apsides
Ap-Stern | Ap-star
Aquariden | Aquarids
Aquarius | Aquarius
Arachnoid | arachnoid
Arcadia Planitia | Arcadia Planitia
Arcetri Astrophysikalisches Observatorium | Arcetri Astrophysikalisches Observatorium
Archeoastromomie | archeoastronomy
Arc | arc
Arclet | arclet
Arcturus | Arcturus
Arecibo Observatory | Arecibo Observatory
Areografie | areography
Areologie | areology
Aretusa | Aretusa
Argument | argument
Argyre Panitia | Argyre Panitia
Ariel | Ariel
Aristarch | Aristarchus
Arizona Meteoriten Krater | Arizona meteorite crater
Armagh Observatory | Armagh Observatory
Armillarsphäre | armillary sphere
Arp-Katalog | Arp Catalogue
Array | array
Arsia Mons | Arsia Mons
Ascraeus Mons | Ascraeus Mons
Ashen light | Ashen light
Asiago Astrophysical Observatory | Asiago Astrophysical Observatory
Aspekte | aspects
Assoziation | association
A-Stern | A star
Asterismus | asterism
Asteroid | asteroid
Asteroidengürtel | asteroid belt
Asthenosphäre | asthenosphere
Astigmatismus | astigmatism
Astraea | Astraea
Astration | astration
Astro-B | Astro-B
Astroblem | astrobleme
Astro-C | Astro-C
Astrochemie | astrochemistry
Astro-D | Astro-D
Astrodynamik | astrodynamics
Astrograf | astrograph
Astrografischer Katalog | Astrographic Catalogue
Astroide | astroide
Astrolabium | astrolabe
Astrologie | astrology
Astrometrischer Doppelstern | astrometric binary
Astrometrie | astrometry
Astronautik | astronautics
Astronom | astronomer
Astronomer Royal | Astronomer Royal
Astronomia nova | Astronomia nova
Astronomical Ephemeris | Astronomical Ephemeris
Astronomical Journal | Astronomical Journal
Astronomie | astronomy
Astronomischer Almanach | Astronomical Almanac
Astronomische Uhr | astronomical clock
Astronomisches Dreieck | astronomical triangle
Astronomische Dämmerung | astronomical twilight
Astronomische Einheit | astronomical unit
Astronomische Nachrichten | Astronomische Nachrichten
Astro-1 | Astro-1
Astrofotografie | astrophotography
Astrophysical Journal | Astrophysical Journal
Astrophysik | astrophysics
Astroseismologie | astroseismology
Asymptotischer Riesenast | asymptotic giant branch
Ataxit | ataxite
Aten | Aten
Atlas | Atlas
Äther | ether
Atmosphäre | atmosphere
Atmosphärische Dispersion | atmospheric dispersion
Atmosphärische Extinktion | atmospheric extinction
Atmosphärische Refraktion | atmospheric refraction
Atmosphärsches Fenster | atmospheric window
Atom | atom
Atomuhr | atomic clock
A-Typ Asteroid | A-type asteroid
Aubrit | aubrite
Aufsteigender Knoten | ascending node
Aurora (borealis) | aurora
Auroraoval | auroral oval
Aurorazone | auroral zone
Äussere Konjunktion | superior conjunction
Äussere Planeten | outer planets
Australia Telescope | Australia telescope
Autoguider | autoguider
Automatisches fotometrisches Telesop | automatic photometric telescope
Automatische Plattenmessmaschine | automatic plate measuring machine
Averted Vision | Averted Vision
Axialsymmetrie | axisymmetry
Axion | axion
Azimut | azimuth
Azimutalkreis | azimuthal circle
Baades Fenster | Baades Window
Babinet-Punkt | Babinet point
Babylonien | Babylonia
Bahn | orbit
Bahnbestimmung | orbit calculation
Bahnelemente | orbital elements
Bahnkurve | orbit
Bahnneigung | inclination
Baikonur | Baikonur
Baily | Baily
Baker-Schmidt-Kamera | Baker-Schmidt camera
Balken | bar
Balkengalaxie | bar galaxy, barred galaxy
Balkenspirale | barred spiral
Balkenspiralgalaxie | barred spiral galaxy
Balmerserie | Balmer series
Band | band
Bandbreite | band width
Bandenspektrum | band spectrum
Bandentemperatur | band temperature
Bärenhüter | Boötis
Bärenstrom | Ursa major moving cluster
Barlow-Linse | Barlow lens
Barnards (Pfeil)stern | Barnards star
Baryonen | baryons
Baryonenzahl | number of baryons?
Basel | Bale
Becher | crater
Bedeckung | eclipse
Bedeckungsveränderliche | eclipsing variables
Begleiter | companion
Belinda | Belinda
Bellatrix | Bellatrix
Benetnatsch | Benetnatsch
Bennett-Komet | comet Bennett
Beschleunigung | acceleration
Besselfunktion | Bessel function
Besselsches Jahr | Bessels year
Be-Sterne | Be stars
Bestrahlungsstärke | flux
beta Canis majoris-Sterne | beta Canis majoris stars
beta Cepheiden | beta Cepheids
beta Cephei-Sterne | beta Cephei stars
beta Lyrae-Sterne | beta Lyrae stars
Betazerfall | beta decay
Beteigeuze | Betelgeuse
Bethe-Weizsäcker-Zyklus | Bethe-Weizsäcker cycle
Beugung | diffraction
Beugungsgitter | diffraction grid
Be-Veränderliche | Be variables
Bewegung | motion
Bewegung der Gestirne | motion of heavenly bodies
Bewegungsenergie | kinetic energy
Bewegungsgrösse | momentum
Bewegungssternhaufen | moving clusters
B-Helligkeit | B-magnitude
Bianca | Bianca
Biela-Komet | comet Biela
Bielascher Komet | comet Biela
Bieliden | Andromedids
Big Bang | Big Bang
Big Crunch | Big Crunch
Bildauswertung | image analysis
Bilddurchmesser | image diameter
Bildfeld | field of view
Bildfeldwölbung | curvature of field
Bildfehler | image ??
Bildhauer | Pictor
Bildverarbeitung | image processing
Bildverarbeitungssystem | image processing system
Bildverstärker | image intensifier, image tube
Bildwandler | image transformer?
Billitonit | billitonite
Binärpulsar | binary pulsar
Binokular | binocular
bipolare Gruppe | bipolar group
bipolarer Nebel | bipolar nebula
Bipolarstrom | bipolar stream
Black Hole | Black Hole
Blashko-Effekt | Blashko-effect
Blasen | bubbles
Blaue, kompakte Zwerggalaxien | blue compact dwarfs; blue compact dwarf galaxies
Blaue Nachzüglersterne | blue stragglers
Blauverschiebung | blueshift
Blazar | blazar
Blaze-Gitter | blaze grid
Blinkkomparator | blink comparator
BL-Lacertae | BL Lacertae
Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies | Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies
Blue Stragglers | Blue Stragglers
BN-Objekte | BN-objects
Bogenmass | ??
Bogenminute | arc minute, minute of arc
Bogensekunde | arc second, second of arc
Bolide | bolide
Bolometer | bolometer
bolometrisch | bolometric
Bolometrische Helligkeit | bolometric magnitude
Bolometrische Korrektur | bolometric correction
Boltzmann-Konstante | Boltzmann constant
Bonner Durchmusterung | Bonner Durchmusterung
Boo | Boo
Bootes | Boötis
Brauner Zwerg | brown dwarf
Brachyt | Brachyt telescope
Brackett-Serie | Brackett series
Breccie | breccia
Brechung | refraction
Breite | latitude
Breitbandfilter | broad band filter
Breiteneffekt | latitude effect?
Breitenkreis | parallel of latitude
Brekzie | breccia
Brennebene | focal plane
Brennpunkt | focal point
Brennweite | focal length; focal distance
Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCG) | Brightest Cluster Galaxies
B-Stern | B star
Bugschock | bow shock
Bunsenbrenner | ??
Burst | burst
BY-Draconis-Sterne | BY-Draconis stars
C | C
Ca | Ca
Cae | Cae
Caelum | caelum
Calciumlinien | calcium lines
Calciumparallaxe | calcium parallax
Caldera | caldera
Calypso | Calyso
Cam | Cam
Camelopardalis | Cameloparalis
Cancer | cancer
Candela | Candela
Canes venatici | canes venatici
Canis maior | canis major
Canis minor | canis minor
Canopus | Alpha Carinae
Cap | Cap
Capella | Capella
Caph | Caph
Capricornus | capricornus
Car | Car
Carina | carina
Carme | carme
Cartesische Koordinaten | cartesian coordinates
Cas | Cas
Cassegrain-Coudé-Teleskop | Cassegrain-Coude telescope
Cassegrain-Fokus | Cassegrain-focus
Cassegrain-Teleskop | Cassegrain-telescope
Cassegrain-System | Cassegrain system
Cassinische Teilung | Cassini division
Cassini-Sonde | Cassini probe
Cassiopeia | Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia A | Cassiopeia A
Castalia | Castalia
Castor | Castor
Catalogue of Bright Stars | Catalogue of Bright Stars
Catadioptrisches System | catadioptric system
Catena | catena
Catopritsches System | catoptric system
Cavus | cavus
CCD-Detektor | CCD-detector
cD-Galaxie | cD-galaxy
Celaeno | Celaeno
Cen | Cen
Centaurus | Centaurus
Centaurus A | Centaurus A
Cepheiden | cepheids
Cepheidenstreifen | cepheids strip
Cepheus | Cepheus
Ceres | Ceres
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory | Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
Cet | Cet
Cetus | Cetus
Cha | Cha
Chamäleon | chameleon
Chandlersche Periode | Chandlers period
Chandra | Chandra
Chandrasekhar-Grenze | Chandrasekhar limit
Chandrasekhar-Masse | Chandrasekhar limit
Chaos | chaos
Charged Coupled Device | Charged Coupled Device
Charon | Charon
Chasma | chasma
Chemischer Ofen | fornax
Chemische Zusammensetzung | chemical composition
Chiron | Chiron
Chlor-Sonnenneutrino-Experiment | Brookhaven-solar neutrino- experiment
Chondren | chondrules
Chondrit | chondrite
Chopper | chopper
chromatische Aberration | chromatic aberration
Chromosphäre | chromosphere
Chronologie | chronology
Chronometer | chronometer
Chryse Planitia | Chryse Planitia
CH-Stern | CH-star
Cir | Cir
Circinus | circinus
Circlet | circlet
Cirrusnebel | Cirrus nebula
cislunar | cislunar
Clast | clast
Clathrate | clathrate
Clementine | clementine
C-Linie | C-line
Cluster | cluster
CMa | CMa
CMi | CMi
CM-relation | CM relation
CN-Band | CN band
Cnc | Cnc
CNO-Zyklus | CNO-cycle
CN-Stern | CN star
CoD | CoD
coded mask | coded mask
Coelostat | coelostat
Coesit | coesit
Col | Col
colatitude | colatitude
Cold Dark Matter | cold dark matter
Columba | columba
Com | Com
Coma Berenices | coma berenices
Comagalaxienhaufen | Coma cluster
Coma-Haufen | Coma cluster
Coma Sternhaufen | Coma Star Cluster
Comes | comes, companion
Common Envelope Binary | Common Envelope Binary
Commonwealth-Observatorium | Commonwealth observatory
Compton-Effekt | Compton effect
Compton Gamma Ray Observatory | Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
Compton-Streuung | Compton scattering
Concordia | Concordia
Concordia-Familie | Concordia family
Cooling flow | cooling flow
Copernicus | Copernicus
Copernicus-Satellit | Copernicus spacecraft
Coprates | Coprates
Cor Caroli | Cor Caroli
Cordelia | Cordelia
Córdoba Durchmusterung | Córdoba Durchmusterung
Corioliskraft | Coriolis force
Corona | corona
Corona Australis | Corona Australis
Corona Borealis | Corona Borealis
Coronal transients | coronal transients?
Corvus | Corvus
Cos-B | Cos-B
Cosmic Background Explorer | Cosmic Background Explorer
Cosmos-Satelliten | Cosmos-satellites
Coudé-Fokus | coudé focus
Coudé-System | Coudé-system
Couder-Teleskop | Couder telescope
c.p.m. | c.p.m.
C-Prozess | C-process
CP-Sterne | CP-stars
CrA | CrA
Crabnebel | Crab Nebula
Crab nebula | Crab Nebula
Crab Pulsar | Crab pulsar
Crater | Crater
CrB | CrB
Crêpe-Ring | crêpe ring
Cressida | Cressida
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory | Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Crt | Crt
Cru | Cru
Crux | crux
Crv | Crv
C-Stern | C-star
Cusp | cusp
Cusp-Kappe | cusp cap
CVn | CVn
Cyg | Cyg
Cyg A | Cyg A
Cygnus | Cygnus
Cygnus A | Cygnus A
Cygnus X-1 | Cygnus X-1
Cygnus X-3 | Cygnus X-3
Cygnus X-5 | Cygnus X-5
Cyg X-1 | Cyg X-1
d | d
Dactyl | Dactyl
Dall-Kirkham-Teleskop | Dall-Kirkam telescope
Dämmerung | twilight, dusk, dawn
Dämmerungsstrahlen | crepuscular rays
Damokles | Damocles
Dämonstern | demon star
Danjon Astrolab | Danjon astrolabe
Danjon Skala | Danjon scale
Dark Matter | Dark Matter
Daten | data
Datum | date
Datumsgrenze | date line
Davida | Davida
David-Dunlap-Observatorium | David Dunlap Observatory
Dawes-Grenze | Dawes limit
DDO-Klassifikation | DDO classification
DDO-Photometrie | DDO photometry
dec. | dec.
Dedispersion | dedispersion
Deep sky | deep sky
Deep Sky Objekt | deep sky object
Deep Space Netzwerk | Deep Space Network
Deep Space 1 | Deep Space 1
Deferent | deferent
Deimos | Deimos
Deklination | declination
Deklinationsachse | declination axis
Deklinationskreis | declination circle
Dekonvolution | deconvolution
Del | Del
Delfin | dolphin
Delphinus | Delphinus
delta-Aquariden | uarids
delta Cephei | delta Cephei
delta Cepheiden | delta cepheids
Delta Delphini | delta Delphini stars
delta Scuti-Sterne | delta Scuti starts
delta T | delta T
Deneb | Deneb
Deneb Kaitos | Deneb Kaitos
Denebola | Denebola
Dendrochronologie | Dendrochronology?
Deprojektion | deprojection
Desdemona | Desdemona
Dezeleration | deceleration
Dezelerationsparameter | deceleration parameter