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[*] E-Mail-Adressbuch (von Sirko Molau)
[*] Email Contact Addresses of Internet Groups in Amateur Astronomy (Finnland)

W3 Suchmaschinen:

[*] Lokale Kopie der Suchmaschinenseite des Centre Universitaire d'Informatique (CUI)
[*] AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet (mit Indexsuche)
[*] The Star*s Family of Astronomy Resources


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[*] alt.binaries.pictures.astro, Very black pictures
[*] alt.sci.astro.aips
[*] alt.sci.astro.figaro, Discussion about the Figaro data reduction package
[*] alt.sci.astro.fits
[*] de.sci.astronomie, Diskussion zum Thema Astronomie

[*] fido.ger.astronomie, Alles fuer den Hobby-Astronomen
[*] fj.sci.astro, Discussion about stars, planets and comets
[*] fr.sci.astronomie
[*] han.sci.astro
[*] maus.sci.astronomie, Diskussionen unter Sternguckern und Interessierten
[*] relcom.fido.su.astroclub
[*] sci.astro, Astronomy discussions and information
[*] sci.astro.amateur, Amateur astronomy equipment, techniques, info, etc.
[*] sci.astro.fits, Issues related to the Flexible Image Transport System
[*] sci.astro.hubble, Discussing processing the Hubble Space Telescope data (Moderated)
[*] sci.astro.planetarium, Discussion of planetariums
[*] sci.astro.research, Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research (Moderated)
[*] tw.bbs.sci.astronomy
[*] zer.t-netz.astronomie.texte
[*] zer.z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie
[*] zer.z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie.daten, Daten der Sterne
[*] zer.z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie.allgem, GEM
[*] z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie.allgem, -
[*] z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie.daten, -

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Otto J. Pilzer, 1998-03-16
Andi Kronawitter, 1995-07-05
Rudolf Reiser, 18.11.1998