Astronomische Arbeitsgruppe Laufen e.V.
Die gleiche Information in deutscher Sprache.
We cooperate with the observatory of the Rottmayr-Gymnasium Laufen
(grammar school), whose rooms we share. The leader of the school's
observatory is
Gerardo Inhester.
Sternwarte des Rottmayr-Gymnasiums Laufen
Barbarossastraße 16
D-83410 Laufen
There an open day takes place every year at a Saturday in early October.
The exact date you can find here.
- Meade 16" LX-200 Schmidt-Cassegrain (f=4064mm) on an equatorial
mount in a 3m-dome of glass-fibre reinforced plastic material, cardanically
mounted guide telescope Meade 5" 127ED apochromate (f=1160mm)
- Celestron-C8 on Super-Polaris-DX (portable)
- 4"-Maksutov, f=1m
- 3"-Refractor, f=1.4m
- Photographical equipment:
- Meade Pictor 1616 CCD Camera and Epoch 2000 Control and Image Processing Software
- Astrocamera made by Wachter, 9*12cm plates, lens
made by Schneider-Kreuznach, Xenar 1:4.5/210mm
- 2"-Lumicon Easy-Guider
- 1.25"-Lumicon Easy-Guider
- Vixen VX-1 astrocamera
- Edixa Reflex-C camera
- Computer: Pentium with the following software (list is incomplete)
- The Sky (Windows, pictures on CD)
- Sky Map (Windows)
- Planetarium (DOS)
- Mondfinsternis (translated: Lunar Eclipse, DOS)
- ECU, Earth Centered Universe (Windows)
- Astronomy Lab (Windows)
- Netscape, local copy of these WWW-pages (no connection to the net)
Back to the Home Page of the AAL
Otto J. Pilzer, 1998-09-07
Klaus Eder, 1994-11-18