Astronomische Arbeitsgruppe Laufen e.V.
Die gleiche Information in deutscher Sprache.
E-Mail-Adressbook (from Sirko Molau, Germany)
Email Contact Addresses of Internet Groups in Amateur Astronomy
Local Copy of the Search Engines Page at the Centre Universitaire d'Informatique (CUI)
AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet (with searcheable index)
The Star*s Family of Astronomy Resources
Don't forget to configure a news-server for your www-client! If you use
mosaic in a unix-shell you need e.g. setenv NNTPSERVER name.of.the.server
before you start the client.
In netscape it is advised to put an entry in Options/Preferences/Mail&News., Very black pictures
alt.sci.astro.figaro, Discussion about the Figaro data reduction package
de.sci.astronomie, Diskussion zum Thema Astronomie
fido.ger.astronomie, Alles fuer den Hobby-Astronomen
fj.sci.astro, Discussion about stars, planets and comets
maus.sci.astronomie, Diskussionen unter Sternguckern und Interessierten
sci.astro, Astronomy discussions and information
sci.astro.amateur, Amateur astronomy equipment, techniques, info, etc.
sci.astro.fits, Issues related to the Flexible Image Transport System
sci.astro.hubble, Discussing processing the Hubble Space Telescope data (Moderated)
sci.astro.planetarium, Discussion of planetariums
sci.astro.research, Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research (Moderated)
zer.z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie.daten, Daten der Sterne
zer.z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie.allgem, GEM
z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie.allgem, -
z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie.daten, -
- Calendars of Events:
Termine der AAL (in German language)
Calendar of events (Veranstaltungskalender des astro!nfo-Teams) (in German language)
Calendar of events (Veranstaltungskalender
der Burgenländischen Amateurastronomen) (in German language)
Space Calendar
- Observatories:
Bayerische Volkssternwarte München e.V., Munich, Germany
Public Observatory of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Archenhold-Sternwarte Berlin, Germany
Sternfreunde Breisgau, Freiburg, Germany
Burgenländische Amateurastronomen (BAA), Austria
- Planetariums:
Planetarium - Forum der Technik, Munich, Germany
The European Planetarium Network
- Research in Astronomy:
Universitäts Sternwarte München, Munich, Germany
(2nd Server)
Astronomical Insitute University of Basle (UBIA), Switzerland
Institute for Astronomy at the University of Innsbruck, Austria
European Southern Observatory (ESO) On-Line Information System, Garching, Germany
The Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF), Garching, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany
ROSAT-Forschungsgruppe, MPI für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany
German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) Homepage, Germany
German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) Space Flight, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
The International Occultation Timing Association
Grove Creek Observatory (Trunkey Creek, New South Wales,
Latest HST Observations
- Information Systems and Other Synopsis-Pages:
The Munich Astro Archive
GAD (German Astronomical Directory)
Astronomical Information System "Astro!nfo"
Informationssystem der österreichischen Amateurastronomen
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: German Subject Catalogue: Physics, Astronomy
The SIMBAD astronomical database
Ames Area Amateur Astronomers
Mark Maimone's home page
AstroWeb Homepage (The AstroWeb Consortium)
- The Solar System:
The Nine Planets
Local copy of
"Views Of The Solar System" (high resolutiuon images are links to, everyone interested is strongly recommended to use
the service of the closest Mirror Site
Back to the Home Page of the AAL
Otto J. Pilzer, 1998-03-16